Sunday, April 15, 2007

Edward Norton Cast As 'The Incredible Hulk'

Sweet casting choice.

read more digg story


Anonymous said...

Damn...just sold the bulk of my Hulk2 shares on HSX last week...Hulk2 took a nice jump today, so this news would explain least I made a killing on my Disturbia shares...although I guess that only makes up for the bath I took on Grindhouse...HMMMPHHH.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous would be "Sean_C", you can guess the "C" I'm thinking.

Jason Doan said...

But who's raoul?

I still have 50,000 Hulk 2 shares, purchased for H$29 each.

Of course that's nothing compared to my Iron Man shares picked up for H$2.81 and currently at H$134. I'm also sitting on H$9M in cash that I have no idea what to purchase with.

For anyone who was completely lost by this exchange check out the Hollywood Stock Exchange at

Anonymous said...

$2.2 millilon and counting!!!

Raoul is Sean_C's evil twin brother, separated at birth...

Jason Doan said...

$42.6M here, I woder if Jim has passed $50M yet.