Sunday, September 24, 2006

Here we go again...

Despite what I think was a very generous offer from Sludge to put an end to the feud between the Stern Fan Network and Val, Val has put up a new abridged version of her Stern Fans are Evil page, It's as biased as it ever was, just a quicker read now. I guess her very important guest was done using her page for research into how video games are turning children into soulless killing machines.

She ends the post with this line, "At the moment, however, I'm pretty much finished with these bozos." If that's the case then why wouldn't you simply take Sludge up on his offer, drop the page and your campaign against Howard Stern entirely, and raise some money for cause you claim to champion? Is your ego such that you can't admit you were wrong even if it will help out people in need?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Is your ego such that you can't admit you were wrong even if it will help out people in need?

Ummm, yep you got it!