Thursday, April 13, 2006

Frustration and Superstition

Winter is finally over and the weather has been nice enough for a couple of weeks that I decided to wash the car this morning. This being the first thorough cleaning it has had since winter set in, I decided to go all out and take it to Suds for their Ultimate Wash. They did an excellent job cleaning the car inside and out, doing all the windows and tires, nice high gloss wax job, the car shines now. So of course on the 5 minute drive from there to my apartment a bird crapped on my car. Grrrrr. Then I remember the Chinese superstition that a bird crapping on you will bring you good luck, now what I need to know is, does that include if a bird craps on my car. Do I dare risk ticking off the supernatural forces that control luck by callously brushing aside their good tidings? I'm over thinking this aren't I? I just don't want to touch bird poop and am looking for a good excuse not to.


Anonymous said...

A bird pooping on your car is good luck...leaving it there to burn a whole through the finish is bad luck. I thought everyone knew this?

Jason Doan said...

I can never keep this shit straight, probabbly the reason I don't generally have good luck.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, I'm sure you get lucky all the time!

Jason Doan said...

Need I remind you that I'm married :P

Anonymous said...

I think even when it is your wife you're allowed to consider it "getting lucky"!