Sunday, April 02, 2006

Yay Google!

A few weeks ago typing "Jason Doan" into Google would result in you seeing many pages unrelated to me and a if you hunted long enough, some posts I made on various email lists the better part of a decade ago. Now typing "Jason Doan" into Google (with or even without the quotes) brings my Blogger profile up as the #1 result and my blog as the #3 result. Just found that cool is all.


Anonymous said...

Yeah... well.... my blog is.... pretty.... cool.

Jason Doan said...

I like your blog, it makes me laugh, or sometimes has a great layout and colour scheme. You just aren't rock star cool like me :P

Anonymous said...

Yeah your layout and colour scheme is pretty awesome too.
Pffft... I'm super hella cool, duder.

Anonymous said...

On a really weird note...when I google Jason Doan (which sounds obscene, now that I've typed it in) in Google images, I get the crest from a High School in Quebec. Oddly enough, from the same high school that I attended for a year of French High School. Odd.

Jason Doan said...

I was not not denying your coolness, we do after all share many pairs of chromosomes with one another, you just aren't quite as cool as me...G on the other hand is once hip dude :P

Jason Doan said...

The world is a bizarre place...suprisingly few images come up on that google image search, I dig the incredibly small spider picture. I wish it were higher resolution.

Anonymous said...

you just aren't quite as cool as me...G on the other hand is once hip dude

I hope you catch Herpes. Real bad. On your face.

Jason Doan said...

Love you too sweetie :P

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason Doan, This is Jason Doan in Montreal QC. Looks like google is also good for finding copies of ourselves!

Also oddly enough, the Jason Doan found at the Quebec High School is me! I went to MacDonald High in the Province of Quebec.;f=56;t=000001

Have a Good one,

-Jason Doan

P.S get back to me if you like.

Jason Doan said...

Welcome, other Jason Doan. There are a few of us out there. My personal favourite is the one that scammed a bunch of old people out of money. I like to print those articles out and leave them places where people know me :P